This past week the USPS has dropped the ball on a couple of deliveries and its left me a bit frustrated. I get it, "stuff happens". Packages arrive late, online tracking is way off on the estimated delivery date or your mail is put in someone else's mailbox a block over. So when all of what I just described happens within a few days of each other, I began to wonder WTF is going on, right?
Turns out there’s been talk of the post office cutting back services and maybe limiting delivery to weekdays only or 4 days a week. Not sure if its because the volume of mail/packages has gone way down in the wake of email, Amazon Prime, etc or if employees just need a break. I doubt it's the latter but If it helps the accuracy of mail getting from point A to point B, I say great!
How do you feel about a cutback? How often do you use the Postal Service these days compared to ?