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Unpopular Opinion: Hawkeye Is the Real MCU MVP

This post does not contain spoilers for Avengers: Infinity War. 

I get scoffed at a lot when I say that Hawkeye is my favorite MCU character, but hear me out:

The rest of the Marvel Cinematic Universe supers are just that - super. The have superpowers or super tech, or they're gods or aliens. They were designed and trained to be superheroes. They're obligated to fight, to save the world because they're the only ones who can. They struggle to maintain lives or relationships outside of the "super;" their lives revolve around it. They're not people, just weapons.

Clint Barton is a man. An incredibly talented man, but not super or enhanced in any way. He is a soldier, trained in archery and martial arts, able to pilot the hell out of a jet. He was the only Avenger to resist Wanda's mind control in Age Of Ultron, for goodness sake. But he is also a husband and a father. And a man who walks out the front door to save the world against otherworldly creatures who DO have powers and abilities, leaving his wife and children behind and knowing he may never return? That is a real superhero. He fights for his family and the world that they live in. He fights because it's right. 

I may be a little biased. Clint Barton reminds me of my father, a man who served in the Army Special Forces and then later in local law enforcement. A man who walked out the front door every day to protect and serve, to make the world a better place for his wife and children. 

My dad is and always has been my superhero.

That's why Hawkeye is my favorite. I know the sacrifice he makes every time he walks out the door to save the world from aliens or super-beings. But he does it anyway, because he knows he can help make a difference, despite not having a biological or technological leg-up over his enemies. That makes him so much more super to me than the others, the one with powers or tech. That makes him the best of the best. 

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