Fauci says NFL Season May Not Happen

There's good news and bad news for football fans. The bad news is an official says the NFL season may not happen this year. The good news is he's not affiliated with the NFL in any way.

The assessment comes from Dr. Anthony Fauci, infectious disease expert. "Unless players are essentially in a bubble –- insulated from the community and they are tested nearly every day -– it would be very hard to see how football is able to be played this fall," he tells CNN. "If there is a second wave, which is certainly a possibility and which would be complicated by the predictable flu season, football may not happen this year."

But the NFL isn't ready to throw in the towel just yet. Responding to Fauci's comments, Dr. Allen Sills -- the league's chief medical officer -- released a statement Thursday. It reads, "We will make adjustments as necessary to meet the public health environment as we prepare to play the 2020 season as scheduled with increased protocols and safety measures for all players, personnel and attendees."

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