Fan Takes 'Most Expensive Nap Ever' at Super Bowl - Take A Look

In what's being called "the most expensive nap ever," a man was captured on video taking a snooze at Hard Rock Stadium during the Super Bowl.

The video (below), which almost immediately went viral, shows the man peacefully slumbering in his seat while the fans around him are all on their feet. New York Times reporter Amy Chozick later identified him as Decian Kelly, the CEO of a global business management firm called Teneo. Among the hundreds of comments posted is one that reads, "He must have kids." Another blamed Kelly's nap on the uneventful game between the Chiefs and the 49ers. "Surprised anyone was awake," someone wrote. "It's like watching paint dry."

The average price for a ticket to Sunday's game was $6,414 on StubHub and $9,000 on SeatGeek. Some people were selling them for as much as $46,000 each.

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